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365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #274-289

274. When you meet someone for the very first time what do you want them to think about you?

That this person is really genuine. It is something I look for when I first meet someone, so I expect the same from myself. People that try too hard, are being something they are not, that attempt to put on a show, or are completely shut off socially, can create a first impression that can give a perception different from the real person. I’d like to bypass all of the fluff.

275. Who would you like to forgive?

Everyone that has ever wronged me. I recently heard the following quote in church: “holding a grudge against someone is like drinking poison and hoping it hurts the other person”.

More Thought Provoking Questions. Answered.

276. At what point during the last five years have you felt lost and alone?

I think it was during the time when I lost my job. I worked in public finance and with the recent economic downturn, I was laid off mainly due to Lehman Brothers going under. I spent the next year not really unemployed, as I worked several part-time jobs to make ends meet while also going to Grad school, but it was during this time where I wasn't sure about anything. I felt lost. I wasn't confident about myself or my future, and in some ways, felt like my situation wasn't relative, even thought it very much was.  

277. What is one opportunity you believe you missed out on when you were younger?

I miss out on playing the piano at a high level. I played the piano for several years as a child and actually became pretty good at it. However, for some idiotic childish reason on my part, I decided I wanted to quit and solely play sports, even though I had the ability to do both. I regret it, and missed out on an opportunity that might have given me more opportunities in my life. 

278. What do you want more of in your life?

I want more camaraderie in my life. I know that sounds weird, but it really feels like as I've gotten older, the further and more strained my closest relationships have become. I'm sure that it is part of life, and even becoming an adult, but I miss the closeness of being able to bounce different things off of others and that general sense of camaraderie. I wish I had more people I could share this life with. 

279. What do you want less of in your life?

Stress and mistakes. The fewer of both, the better. 

280. Who depends on you?

Well, for one, I'm married, so initially, I would say my wife. The others would have to be my parents for various reasons. 

281. Who has had the greatest impact on your life?

Christ, period. What more impact can you have than a life changing-type of impact? 

282. Are you happy with where you are in your life?  Why?

Of course. I have a beautiful wife, a wonderful home, great parents and in-laws, crazy friends, and a job that I don't mind waking up for. What is there not to be happy about? 

283. In one year from today, how do you think your life will be different?

For starters, I expect to have a different outlook on life. With another year of life experience, my outlook  - anyone's outlook - matures and grows for sure. I also think I'll be in a different place, another place - which hopefully will be the next step in my life. 

284. How have you sabotaged yourself in the past five years?

By not being confident enough in myself. I've probably not maxed out my potential due to a lack of confidence and the lack of taking risks. I may just have sabotaged or stunted my overall growth by doing so. But hey, live and learn, right?

285. Other than money, what else have you gained from your current job?

Experience working with the general public, universities, the film and event industry and most of all, realizing that people are just downright crazy! 

286. Whom do you secretly envy?  Why?

There is not one exact person, but the type it is the type of fortitude a person has. More specifically, it's the type of person that lives life risk-free, and is able to not worry about failure, ramifications, finances, and is able to go with what their heart is telling them. I envy those wildly adventurous people, and am constantly trying to push myself towards that. 

287. In twenty years, what do you want to remember?

What life was like for me today. I want to be able to remember what it was like to be twenty-seven, and the mindset it forced me into as well as the self-actualization goals I still needed to meet.  

288. What are you most excited about in your life right now – today?

Youth and leisure time. While I absolutely love kids and have a huge spot for them in my heart, I'm excited about enjoying the early stages of my marriage and the life it presents before the tag-team partner and I begin our family. 

289. What experience from this past year do you appreciate the most?

Our wedding day. As I've stated before, it was the culmination of many things for me on a personal level. I appreciate all the people that got me to this point, those that continue to help us, and everyone that we had the chance to celebrate with on that night.  

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