I'm not sure what else can be said, what else can be pushed, what else can be rallied for, or what else can be uttered to ease the qualm following the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Yet, even though many words have been spoken, and sometimes shouted, it seems like we've been down this road before - unfortunately. We shout. We aggressively make our points. And we all look to make a change. Somehow, these situations still occur and we are left wondering, why? How?
In response to the early morning horrific theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, I won't delve into the usual topics that always seem to come to the forefront following such catastrophes, because I can't.
Like many of the discussions we've seen throughout the media, I refuse to make this racial - because it isn't. I refuse to make this to be a double standard of urban-areas vs. the rest of America - because it isn't. I refuse to turn this into a political cornerstone - because it isn't. I refuse to blame this solely on our country's gun control rights - because there is more to it. And I refuse to blame this on possible-influential violence in our entertainment - because that's just a cheap cop out.
While all of the above are certainly sub-topics and external factors of such an event occurring, none solve the core issue at hand here - the REAL problem.
In a day and age where this situation is becoming more prevalent, with a growing list of preceding shootings to compare, we need to start searching for the truth and in fact finding that problem.
What is the real problem?
Honestly, I don't know.
I just don't.
I don't think any of us do. And maybe that's the problem in itself.
What I do know, is that over the last twenty years...
Columbine showed us that we are not safe at High Schools.
Virginia Tech showed us that we are not safe on College Campuses.
Fort Hood showed us that we are not safe at Army bases.
Binghamton, NY showed us that we are not safe at community centers.
And now, Aurora, Colorado showed us that we are not safe at the movie theaters.
Where are we safe?!
What I know for sure?
Terrorism is as real here in our homeland, and in your very neighborhood, as it is in the places we see on television.
How's that for a problem?