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365 Thought Provoking Questions. Answered: #306-321

306. What celebrities do you admire?  Why?

I would have to say a guy like Derek Jeter. Besides being a great athlete and of course the captain of my beloved New York Yankees, he is also a mega-star in the always controversial-hungry New York media,  that has stayed away from negativity, continues to carry himself with professionalism and always says the right thing. 

Another celebrity I admire would have to be Tim Tebow. Yes, that Tim Tebow. Whatever your opinion is of his ability on the football field, you have to admit and admire Tebow's ability to handle the pressure, superstardom, and personal attacks he receives on a daily basis. He takes it on the chin in stride, and continues to push forward in his faith. I'm a big fan of that.  

307. What is the number one motivator in your life right now?

To get better, and to improve myself where I can break internal barriers, and achieve external goals.

More Thought Provoking Questions. Answered.

308. What music do you listen to to lift your spirits when you’re feeling down?

I usually listen to many types of music that puts me in a good place mentally. Genre really doesn't matter, as long it is something that can either hype me up, or even get me to dance a bit. I would probably say music from the past that can take me back to a certain time in my life is the best bet to lift my spirits. 

309. If I gave you $1000 and told you that you had to spend it today, what would you buy?

I would put it toward a vacation for myself and the tag team partner. Maybe some where in the Caribbean. Maybe Eurpoe. Maybe we go back to back, to Cali, Cali! Just a trip somewhere for a little R&R. 

310. What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

Considering that I watched a little bit of one of my favorite movies of all-time in Coming to America, I would have to say the scene of "Randy Watson" singing on stage caused yours truly to "LOL". Funny stuff. 

311. What is your biggest pet peeve?

People that are inconsiderate to others in their actions. Seriously, get over yourself. 

312. Who was the last person you said “I love you” to?

The tag team partner, or for you DP rookies, my wife. 

313. What is your biggest phobia?

Failure. It scares me greater than anything else for some reason. I hate to fail, and I hate to think I didn't accomplish something. I really need to work on that as sometimes its a road block in me attempting and trying many things in life. Failure is the greatest teacher, but without risk, we'll never know. 

314. What are some recent compliments you’ve received?

That I am a "really nice guy". And in piggy backing that comment, I'll often hear the phrase, "you're a better person than I am" from the tag team partner. 

315. How many friends do you have in real life that you talk to regularly?

I would have to say about seven. I've never been one of those people that needed lots of friends or needed to feel wanted by everyone. I've always had my small crew, and over the years that crew has expanded a tad bit. Even though some live further away than the others, I try to stay in touch with everyone. 

I do think it's funny that the question includes "real friends" taking into consideration today's social media world. ha! 

316. How much money per month is enough for you to live comfortably?

I have enough. I'm comfortable. 

Sure, more money would be nice to enjoy luxurious things, but I am completely comfortable in my current situation. I always think it is funny and somewhat disgusting when some folks need enormous amounts of funds in order to be comfortable. What exactly do you need to be happy/comfortable? 

317. When was your first impression of someone totally wrong?

This has actually happened quite a few times in my life. Haven't we all have misjudged someone on first appearance a couple of times? That person that just didn't seem to be who we initially thought or had made up in our imaginations.

The one that comes to mind as I write this are some of the people I came across in High School  who were in gangs, but really were not what I expected once you got to know them. You'd be surprised of how many people in gangs are actually good people down deep, and turn to the gang life because they feel it's their only option. 

Also, there are the many times someone turns out to be worse than the first perception we have of them. and learn. 

318. How many hours a week do you spend online?

Well, considering the age we live in now, and that I have Twitter at my disposal on my phone, I guess the honest answer would be 24/7. There are days where I try to stay away from the internet, but let's be honest, the internet is very much no longer a luxury, but a necessity in life. 

319. What do you love to do?

Write! Blog! and Write! Also, I love to chill and listen to music, travel, workout and train, play video games, watch pro wrestling, try new restaurants and places to eat with my wife, watch music videos with friends, grill on a summer day, go to the beach, wash my car, and play softball. 

320. What specific character trait do you want to be known for?

Unselfishness and loyalty. I'd like to be known as an individual you could count on, and one that would always do anything possible to help others. 

321. Are you more like your mom or your dad?  In what way?

I would say like my mom and my dad. I really am a combination of both. 

But to properly answer the question without a cheap, cop out answer, I would give the nod to my dad. We both have similar interests, I now have his same mannerisms as I get older, and I really -  really -  inherited his simple, easy going attitude.

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